Radcliffe-On-Trent Golf Club

Club Foursomes (men only) 27/04/2024
Jubilee Cup Stableford 21/04/2024
Club Stableford
  1. Div1
  2. Div2
  3. Div3
Pros betterball pairs 03/02/2024
Pro’s Comp Betterball pairs 27/01/2024
Pro's mixed singles 12 Hole Stableford ( 13/01/2024
Club Medal and Robert Rhodes qualificati 28/10/2023
Senior Mens John Beddows Trophy 09/10/2023
Charity Competition to support Junior se 23/09/2023
Club medal 21/09/2023
Club Medal (mixed) & President's Putter 16/09/2023
Club Stableford 14/09/2023
Seniors Stableford & Stanley Peck Trophy 11/09/2023
RAF Newton (men only) 09/09/2023
Seniors Bill Halliwell Trophy 06/09/2023
Club Stableford & Stableford Finals 02/09/2023
Saturday Club Medal & Medal Finals 26/08/2023
ER Walker Trophy & Dinner (Past Captains 25/08/2023
Club medal and finals 24/08/2023
Senior Mens Centenary Salver 16/08/2023
Seniors Stableford & Senior Mens Jack Li 07/08/2023
Club Medal & Radcliffe Vase 29/07/2023
Club Stableford 27/07/2023
Club Medal (mixed) & Rabbits Cup (men) 22/07/2023
Club Stableford 20/07/2023
Club Stableford/Bishop Cup/Grandad Cup 15/07/2023
Club Medal 13/07/2023
Seniors Stableford 10/07/2023
Centenary Trophy 09/07/2023
Senior Mens Midsummer Trophy 28/06/2023
Radcliffe Summer Open 25/06/2023
Club medal and Hibberson Trophy 24/06/2023
Club Stableford and Oliver Rose bowl 22/06/2023
Elwin Cup (36 Hole Competition) (Rd 1) 17/06/2023
Elwin Cup (36 Hole Competition) (Rd 2) 17/06/2023
Seniors Stableford 14/06/2023
Scratch Cup (Rd 1) 11/06/2023
Club Invitation 10/06/2023
Club 9-hole Stableford 30/05/2023
Jubilee Cup 28/05/2023
Greensomes Stableford Men 27/05/2023
Club Stableford 25/05/2023
Senior Mens Norman Foster Trophy 22/05/2023
Club Diamond Jubilee stableford 20/05/2023
Club Medal 18/5/23 18/05/2023
Oliver Memorial Greensome 01/05/2023
RAF Syerston Bogey competition 29/04/2023
Senior Mens George Swain Foursomes 26/04/2023
*Maple Leaf Plaque 22/04/2023
Seniors Stableford 17/04/2023
Club Stableford sign in and score entry 13/04/2023
Club Foursomes 08/04/2023
Senior Mens Pat McBride Trophy (GREEN) 03/04/2023
Club Stableford sign in and score entry 01/04/2023
Junior 9 Hole Stableford 28/10/2022
Junior 9 Hole Medal 25/10/2022
Club 9-hole Stableford 18/10/2022
Seniors John Beddows Trophy 17/10/2022
AM AM 2 from 4 Any Combination 15/10/2022
Club Stableford Sign In/Score Entry ONLY 08/10/2022
Club 9-hole Stableford 04/10/2022
Men's medal/Robert Rhodes SIGN IN+SCORE 01/10/2022
Club Medal (M) 29.9.22 - SIGN IN/SCORE E 29/09/2022
Club 9-hole Stableford 27/09/2022
Seniors Stableford 26/09/2022
Club 9-hole Stableford 20/09/2022
Club Medal/President's Putter SIGN IN/SC 17/09/2022
MEN'S Club Stableford SIGN IN and SCORE 15/09/2022
Club 9-hole Stableford 13/09/2022
Seniors Bill Halliwell Trophy 12/09/2022
Club Thursday Medal & Finals sign in/sco 08/09/2022
Club Stableford & Stableford Finals SIGN 03/09/2022
Club 9-hole Stableford 30/08/2022
Club Medal & Saturday Club Medal Finals 27/08/2022
Club 9-hole Stableford 23/08/2022
Club 9-hole Stableford 16/08/2022
*Club Medal & Sands Cup SIGN IN/SCORE EN 13/08/2022
Club 9-hole Stableford 09/08/2022
Seniors August Stableford (incorporating 08/08/2022
*Club Medal & Radcliffe Vase SIGN IN/SCO 30/07/2022
*Club Stableford 28.7.22 - (M) Sign in & 28/07/2022
Seniors Centenary Salver 25/07/2022
*Club Medal & Rabbits Cup(M). Sign In & 23/07/2022
*Club Stableford 21.7.22 - (M) Sign in/S 21/07/2022
*Bishop Cup & Club Stableford 16.7.22 - 16/07/2022
*Club Medal 14.7.22 (M) SIGN IN & SCORE 14/07/2022
Seniors WHS Stableford 11/07/2022
*Centenary Stableford (M) sign in/score 10/07/2022
Seniors Midsummer Trophy 29/06/2022
*Stableford 22.6.22 - (M) Sign in & Scor 22/06/2022
Elwin Cup 18/06/2022
Elwin Cup - 36 Hole competition (Rd 1) 18/06/2022
Seniors WHS Stableford 13/06/2022
Scratch Cup 2022 12/06/2022
*Medal & Hibberson 4.6.22 SIGN IN & SCOR 04/06/2022
*Greensomes Stableford (Men Only) 28/05/2022
*Stableford 26.5.22 SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY 26/05/2022
Seniors Norman Foster Trophy 23/05/2022
The Radcliffe-on-Trent Golf Club Spring 22/05/2022
*Diamond Jubilee 21.5.22 SIGN IN & SCORE 21/05/2022
*Medal 19.5.22 SIGN IN /SCORE ENTRY 19/05/2022
*Smith Cup & Medal 14.5.22 SIGN IN/SCORE 14/05/2022
*RAF Syerston Cup - Bogey Competition (M 07/05/2022
*Club Stableford 5.5.22 - (M) Sign in/Sc 05/05/2022
Oliver Memorial Mixed Greensomes Sign In 02/05/2022
Seniors WHS Stableford 25/04/2022
*Jubilee Cup (M) SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY ONL 24/04/2022
*Medal 16.4.22 (M) SIGN IN SCORE ENTRY O 16/04/2022
Seniors Pat McBride Trophy 04/04/2022
*Stableford 2.4.22 - (M) SIGN IN & SCOR 02/04/2022
Seniors George Swain Foursomes 07/03/2022
Professional's 20th Anniversary QC & AS 05/03/2022
Winter Qualifier 29/01/2022
Winter Qualifier 27/01/2022
Winter Qualifier 20/01/2022
Winter Qualifier 13/01/2022
Winter Qualifier 08/01/2022
Winter Qualifier 23.12.21 23/12/2021
Winter Qualifier 16/12/2021
Winter Qualifier 09/12/2021
Winter Qualifier 04/12/2021
Winter Qualifier 02/12/2021
Winter Qualifier 25/11/2021
Mens sign in and score entry 16.10.21 16/10/2021
Gents Sign In/Score Entry Only 30.9.21 30/09/2021
Gent's sign in and score entry Sat 25 Se 25/09/2021
Gent's sign in and score entry Sat 18 Se 18/09/2021
Sign In/Score Entry Only Club Stableford 14/09/2021
Gent's stableford & finals sign in and s 04/09/2021
Gent's sign in and score entry 28 August 28/08/2021
ER Walker Trophy Past captains only 27/08/2021
Mens Thursday Medal Finals 26/08/2021
Gent's sign in and score entry 21 Aug 21 21/08/2021
Junior 9 Hole Stableford 20/08/2021
Junior Stableford 19/08/2021
Junior 9 Hole Stableford 19/08/2021
Junior Stableford 18/08/2021
Junior 9 Hole Stableford 18/08/2021
Junior 9 Hole Stableford 17/08/2021
Junior Stableford 17/08/2021
Junior 9 Hole Stableford 16/08/2021
Junior Stableford 16/08/2021
Monday 9.8.21 SENIORS SIGN IN/SCORE ENTR 09/08/2021
Radcliffe Vase & Club Medal 31/07/2021
SENIORS SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY Centenary Sa 26/07/2021
Pat McBride Trophy Sign In/Score Entry O 19/07/2021
MEN's Stableford, Grandad Cup and social 18/07/2021
Mens' Medal & Social Play 13/07/2021
Centenary Trophy - Club Stableford Sunda 11/07/2021
Elwin Cup - 36 Hole Competition (Rd 1) 10/07/2021
Elwin Cup - 36 Hole Competition (Rd 2) 10/07/2021
Elwin Cup 10/07/2021
Oliver Rose Bowl Club Stableford Thursda 01/07/2021
Club Competition - Medal - Saturday 19.6 19/06/2021
Club Stableford MEN/Social play Thu 17 J 17/06/2021
Club Medal and Hibberson Trophy 12/06/2021
Seniors Midsummer Trophy SIGN IN/SCORE E 09/06/2021
Scratch Cup 2021 (Gross) 01/06/2021
Scratch Cup 2021 30/05/2021
Scratch Cup 2021 (Rd 1) 30/05/2021
Club Stableford Competition 27/05/2021
Club Diamond Jubilee Stableford/Social p 22/05/2021
Club Thursday Medal 20/05/2021
Club Medal Competition (mixed) & Smith C 15/05/2021
Norman Foster Trophy - seniors sign in a 10/05/2021
Club Stableford 6.5.21 06/05/2021
Oliver Memorial Trophy 03/05/2021
JUBILEE CUP / Social play Sunday 2 May ( 02/05/2021
CLUB COMPETITION SATURDAY 17.4.21 (sunse 17/04/2021
CLUB STABLEFORD THURSDAY 15.4.21 (sunset 15/04/2021
Men’s Sign In/Score Entry Only 10.10.202 10/10/2020
Mens sign in/Score Entry Stab QC 26/09/2020
Stableford Social Play Thursday QC 24.9. 24/09/2020
Scratch Competition 2020 21/09/2020
Scratch Competition 2020 21/09/2020
Scratch Sign in/Score Entry (Rd 1) 20/09/2020
Scratch Sign in/Score Entry (Rd 2) 20/09/2020
MENS SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY STAB 19.9.20 19/09/2020
MENS SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY STAB 12.9.20 12/09/2020
MENS SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY STAB 29.8.20 29/08/2020
SENIOR'S SIGN IN & SCORE ENTRY 24/8/20 24/08/2020
MENS SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY STAB 22.8.20 22/08/2020
MENS SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY STAB 19.8.20 19/08/2020
MENS SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY STAB 15.8.20 15/08/2020
MENS SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY STAB 12.8.20 12/08/2020
03/08/2020 -Seniors Stableford & Centena 03/08/2020
MEN's SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY STAB 2.8.20 02/08/2020
MEN's SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY stab QC 29/07/2020
Mens sign in and score entry 25th July 25/07/2020
Mens sign in and score entry 23rd July 23/07/2020
20/07/2020 - 1Senior's Stableford & Pat 20/07/2020
18/07/2020 - Men's Score Entry 18/07/2020
14.7.20 men’s score entry 14/07/2020
Stableford QC Saturdayn 11..7.20 11/07/2020
QC Stableford 8/7/20 08/07/2020
Saturday 4.7 stableford 04/07/2020
Thursday stab OC 2/7/20 score entry 02/07/2020
Medal QC Sign In & Entry 3/10/19 03/10/2019
Medal QC & RR Qualifier Sign In & Score 28/09/2019
Presidents Putter Sign In & Score Entry 21/09/2019
Seniors Stableford & Bill Halliwell Trop 16/09/2019
Home Nations Inter-Club Championship Mid 15/09/2019
Stableford QC & Finals Sign In & Score E 14/09/2019
Medal QC & Sat Medal Finals Sign In & Sc 31/08/2019
Medal QC & Medal Finals Sign & Score ent 29/08/2019
Sunday Stableford QC 25/8/19 Sign In & S 25/08/2019
Medal QC & Sands Cup Sign In & Score ent 24/08/2019
ER Walker Trophy (Past Captains) 23/08/2019
Junior 18 Hole Owen Trophy 23/08/2019
Junior 9 Hole Stableford 23/08/2019
Junior 18 Hole 22/08/2019
Junior 9 Hole Stableford 22/08/2019
Junior 18 Hole Stableford 21/08/2019
Junior 9 Hole Stableford 21/08/2019
Junior 9 Hole Stableford 20/08/2019
Junior 18 Hole Tiger 20/08/2019
Junior 9 Hole Stableford 20/08/2019
Junior 18 Hole 19/08/2019
Seniors Stableford (Open to 55+) & Jack 12/08/2019
RAF Newton Pairs Start Sheet 10/8/19 10/08/2019
Seniors Stableford & Centenary Salver (O 05/08/2019
Centenary Trophy Sign In & Score Entry 4 04/08/2019
ELWIN CUP Rd 1 & 2 03/08/2019
ELWIN CUP (Rd 1) 03/08/2019
ELWIN CUP (Rd 2) 03/08/2019
MedalQC & Richmond Rabbits Cup Sign In & 27/07/2019
Seniors Stableford & Pat McBride Trophy 22/07/2019
Sunday Stableford & Grandad Cup Sign In 21/07/2019
Bishop Cup &Stableford QC Sign In & Entr 20/07/2019
Radcliffe Vase Sign In & Score entry 13/07/2019
9 Hole Comp 11/7/19 Sign In & score only 11/07/2019
Oliver Rose Bowl Sign In & score only 04/07/2019
Midsummer Trophy (Open to all males over 26/06/2019
Sunday Stab QC 23/6 Sign In & Score Entr 23/06/2019
Medal QC & Hibberson Trophy 22/6 Sign In 22/06/2019
THURSDAY STABLEFORD 20/6/19 Sign In/ Sco 20/06/2019
D Day Competition QC sign in &score entr 06/06/2019
Scratch Cup 2019 03/06/2019
Scratch Cup 2019 (Rd 1) 02/06/2019
Scratch Cup 2019 (Rd 2) 02/06/2019
Thurs Stab QC 30/5/19 Sign in/Score Entr 30/05/2019
Junior 9 Hole Stableford 29/05/2019
Junior 18 Hole 29/05/2019
Medal QC 25/5/19 Sign In/Score Entry 25/05/2019
Thurs Medal QC Sign In/Score Entry 16/5/ 16/05/2019
May Stableford Cup ( Open to all over 55 13/05/2019
RAF Syerston Bogey 11/5/19 (Non-QC) 11/05/2019
Thurs Stab QC 9/5/19 Sign In/Score Entry 09/05/2019
Jubilee Cup Stab Sign In/Score Entry 05/05/2019
Thurs QC Stab 2/5/19 Sign In/Score Entry 02/05/2019
TNC 30/04/2019 30/04/2019
Diamond Jubilee Stab QC Sign In/Score En 27/04/2019
TNC 23/4/19 23/04/2019
Medal QC Sign In/Score Entry 20/04/2019
Junior 18 Hole 17/04/2019
Junior 9 Hole Stableford 17/04/2019
TNC 16/4/19 16/04/2019
Thurs Medal QC 11/4/19 SIGN IN/SCORE ENT 11/04/2019
Junior Stableford 10/04/2019
Junior 9 Hole Stableford 10/04/2019
TNC 09/04/2019 09/04/2019
Stableford QC - SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY 04/04/2019
TNC (02/04/2019) 02/04/2019
Stableford 30/3/19 SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY 30/03/2019
Pro's - Jeff Anderson Salver QC Singles 02/03/2019
Junior 9 Hole Stableford 20/02/2019
Junior 18 Hole 20/02/2019
Medal QC 4/10 SI & Score Entry 04/10/2018
Centenary Stableford SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY 30/09/2018
Medal QC & RR Qualifier SI & Score Entry 29/09/2018
Medal QC & President’s Putter SI & Score 22/09/2018
Seniors stableford & Bill Halliwell trop 20/09/2018
Stableford QC & Finals Sign in & Score E 15/09/2018
Saturday Medal QC Finals SIGN IN/SCORE E 01/09/2018
Thursday Medal Finals SIGN IN/SCORE ENTR 30/08/2018
E.R. Walker Trophy (Past Captains) 24/08/2018
Seniors stableford & Jack Lill Trophy 20/08/2018
MEDAL & SANDS CUP Sign in & Score 18/08/2018
Junior 18 Hole 16/08/2018
Junior 9 Hole Stableford 16/08/2018
Junior 9 Hole Stableford 14/08/2018
RAF NEWTON BB STABLEFORD (Pairings) 11/08/2018
Seniors stableford & Centenary Salver 06/08/2018
Elwin Cup 05/08/2018
Elwin Cup 05/08/2018
ELWIN CUP (Rd 1) 04/08/2018
ELWIN CUP (Rd 2) 04/08/2018
Medal QC & Rabbits Cup SIGN IN/SCORE ENT 28/07/2018
Junior 9 Hole Stableford 25/07/2018
Seniors July stableford & Pat McBride tr 23/07/2018
Sunday Stab & Grandad Cup SIGN IN/SCORE 22/07/2018
Bishop Cup/Stableford SIGN IN/SCORE ENTR 21/07/2018
THURSDAY QC 19/07/18 SIGN IN & SCORE ENT 19/07/2018
Medal QC & Radcliffe Vase SIGN IN & SCOR 14/07/2018
9 Hole QC Role Up SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY ON 12/07/2018
Oliver Rose Bowl SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY ONL 05/07/2018
Thursday Stableford QC SIGN IN/SCORE ENT 28/06/2018
Sunday Stableford QC SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY 24/06/2018
seniors midsummer stableford 20/06/2018
Junior 9 Hole Stableford 17/06/2018
Medal & Hibberson QC SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY 16/06/2018
Scratch Cup 2018 (Rd 1) 03/06/2018
Scratch Cup 2018 (Rd 2) 03/06/2018
Greensomes Stableford 02/06/2018
Thursday Stableford SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY 31/05/2018
Medal/Smith Cup SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY ONLY 19/05/2018
Medal QC - SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY ONLY 17/05/2018
Seniors May stableford 16/05/2018
RAF Syerston Cup 12/05/2018
Thursday Stableford SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY 10/05/2018
Jubilee Cup SIGN IN /SCORE ENTRY 06/05/2018
Junior 9 Hole Stableford 29/04/2018
Adult / Junior 9 Hole 29/04/2018
28/04/17 - Diamond Jubilee Stab QC Sign 28/04/2018
9 Hole QC Sign In/Score Entry Only 25/04/2018
Medal & Lombard QC 21/4/18 - Sign In/Sco 21/04/2018
Pro's Comp 12 Hole BB Stableford 06/01/2018
Professional's 12 Hole BB Stableford 02/12/2017
Professional's Compeition 12 Hole BB Sta 11/11/2017
Stableford QC Sign In/Score Entry Only 26/10/2017
Stableford QC - Sign In/Score Entry 21/10/2017
Stableford QC Sign In/Score Entry 07/10/2017
Thursday Medal QC Sign In Score Entry 05/10/2017
Junior Competition 9 Hole Stableford 01/10/2017
Medal QC and Robert Rhodes Sign In/Score 30/09/2017
Presidents Putter and Medal Sign In/Scor 23/09/2017
Seniors Stableford & Bill Halliwell trop 18/09/2017
Stableford Finals Day - Sign In/Score En 16/09/2017
Saturday Medal QC Finals 2017 Sign In/Sc 02/09/2017
Thursday Medal Finals 2017 Sign In/Score 31/08/2017
E R Walker Trophy 25/08/2017
Seniors Stableford & Jack Lill trophy 21/08/2017
Medal QC & Sands Cup SIGN IN?SCORE ENTRY 19/08/2017
Junior Competition - Tiger Cub Trophy 18/08/2017
Junior 18 Hole Stableford 17/08/2017
Junior Competition - 9 Hole Stableford 17/08/2017
Junior Competition Scratch Cup 17/08/2017
Junior Competition Scratch Cup (Rd 1) 16/08/2017
Junior Competition Scratch Cup (Rd 2) 16/08/2017
Junior Comp Owen Trophy 15/08/2017
Junior Competition 9 Hole Stableford 14/08/2017
Seniors Stableford & Centenary salver 07/08/2017
Centenary Trophy 6/8/17 Sign In/Score En 06/08/2017
Medal QC & Rabbits Cup SIGN IN SCORE ENT 29/07/2017
Thursday Medal QC Sign In/Score Entry On 27/07/2017
Seniors July Stableford & Pat McBride tr 24/07/2017
Sunday Stableford QC Sign In/Score Entry 23/07/2017
Bishop Cup/Stableford Sign In/Score Entr 22/07/2017
Medal QC & Radcliffe Vase SIGN IN/SCORE 15/07/2017
9 Hole QC Role Up Sign IN/Score Entry On 12/07/2017
Elwin Cup Agg. Score 07/07/2017
Oliver Rose Bowl 06/07/2017
Elwin Cup (Rd 1) 01/07/2017
Thursday Stableford Sign In/Score Entry 29/06/2017
Sunday Stableford QC Sign In/Score Entry 25/06/2017
Thursday Medal Sign in/Score Entry 22/06/2017
Seniors June Stableford 21/06/2017
Medal & Hibberson QC 17/06/2017
Scratch Cup 2017 05/06/2017
2017 Scratch Cup - Gross 05/06/2017
Medal QC 4.6.17 SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY 04/06/2017
Scratch Cup 2017 04/06/2017
Scratch Cup 2017 (Rd 1) 04/06/2017
Scratch Cup 2017 (Rd 2) 04/06/2017
Greensomes Stableford 03/06/2017
Junior Competition - 9 Hole Stableford 31/05/2017
Seniors May stableford 24/05/2017
Medal/Smith Cup QC Sign In/Score Entry O 20/05/2017
Medal QC - Score Entry 18/05/2017
RAF Syerston cup 13/05/2017
stableford QC Sign in/Score entry 11/05/2017
jubilee cup stableford sign in score ent 07/05/2017
9 Hole QC Sign In/Score Entry 03/05/2017
Diamond Jubilee Stab QC Sign In/Score En 29/04/2017
9 Hole QC Sign In/Score Entry 26/04/2017
Medal & Lombard QC - Sign In/Score Entr 22/04/2017
Anderson Salver QC Score entry 15/04/2017
Thursday Medal QC Sin In & Score Entry 13/04/2017
Junior Competition - 9 Hole Stableford 12/04/2017
Stableford QC Sign in/Score Entry 06/04/2017
Junior Competition - 9 Hole Stableford 05/04/2017
Stableford QC Sign in/Score Entry 25/03/2017
Junior Competition - 9 Hole Stableford 12/03/2017
Thursday Christmas competition 27/10/16 27/10/2016
22.10.16 - SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY Christmas 22/10/2016
Medal QC/Robert Rhodes SIGN IN/SCORE ENT 15/10/2016
Medal QC & Medals Final SIGN IN/SCORE EN 08/10/2016
Thursday Medal QC SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY ON 06/10/2016
Medal QC & President's Putter SIGN IN/SC 24/09/2016
Seniors stableford & Bill Halliwell trop 19/09/2016
Stableford QC & Finals SIGN IN/SCORE ENT 17/09/2016
Thursday Medal QC MEN SIGN IN/SCORE ENTR 01/09/2016
E.R. Walker Trophy 26/08/2016
Seniors August stableford & Jack Lill tr 22/08/2016
Medal & Sands Cup SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY ON 20/08/2016
Junior Competition - Tiger Cub Trophy 19/08/2016
Junior Competition - 9 Hole Stableford 18/08/2016
Junior 18 Hole Stableford 17/08/2016
Junior Competition Scratch Cup 17/08/2016
Junior Competition Scratch Cup (Rd 1) 17/08/2016
Junior Competition Scratch Cup (Rd 2) 17/08/2016
Junior Comp - Owen Trophy 16/08/2016
Junior Competition - 9 Hole Stableford 16/08/2016
Junior Comp - 9 Hole Stableford 15/08/2016
Junior Stableford 15/08/2016
RAF Newton Cup 13/8/16 13/08/2016
Seniors Stableford & Centenary salver 08/08/2016
Centenary Trophy 7/8/16 - Sign in/Score 07/08/2016
Medal & Rabbits Cup SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY 30/07/2016
Thursday Medal QC MEN SIGN IN/SCORE ENTR 28/07/2016
Junior Medal 27/07/2016
Seniors July Stableford & Pat McBride tr 25/07/2016
Sunday Stableford SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY ON 24/07/2016
Bishop Cup SIGN IN/SCORE ENTRY ONLY 23/07/2016
Thursday Medal QC MEN SIGN IN/SCORE ENTR 21/07/2016
17/7/16 Sunday Stableford - Sign In/Scor 17/07/2016
Medal QC & Radcliffe Vase Sign In/Score 16/07/2016
13/07/16 - 9 Hole QC Sign in/Score Entry 13/07/2016
Oliver Rose Bowl 7 July 2016 Sign in/Sco 07/07/2016
Elwin Cup 02/07/2016 (Rd 1) 02/07/2016
Elwin Cup 02/07/2016 (Rd 2) 02/07/2016
30.6.16 Thursday Stableford SIGN IN/SCOR 30/06/2016
Seniors June Stableford 27/06/2016
23.6.16 Thursday Medal QC SIGN IN/SCORE 23/06/2016
Junior Stableford 19/06/2016
Medal & Hibberson Sign in/Score Entry On 18/06/2016
15.6.16 9 hole QC Sign In/Score Entry On 15/06/2016
Sunday Stableford Sign In/Score Entry 12 12/06/2016
Scratch Cup 2016 combined 11/06/2016
Scratch Cup 2016 combined 11/06/2016
Scratch Cup 5.6.16 (Rd 1) 05/06/2016
Scratch Cup 5.6.16 (Rd 2) 05/06/2016
Sunday Medal QC 5.6.16 Sign in /Score E 05/06/2016
Greensomes Stableford 4.6.16 04/06/2016
Thursday Stableford 2.6.16 Men Sign in/S 02/06/2016
Junior Stableford 01/06/2016
Medal & Smith Cup 21.5.16 Sign In/Score 21/05/2016
Thursday Medal QC 19.5.16 MEN SIGN IN/SC 19/05/2016
RAF Syerston 14th May 2016 14/05/2016
Thursday Stableford 12.5.16 Men Sign in/ 12/05/2016
Seniors May Stableford 09/05/2016
Jubilee Cup Stableford MEN ONLY 8/5/16 S 08/05/2016
MEN ONLY SSQC 30/4/16 Sign in Score entr 30/04/2016
MEN ONLY 9 hole QC 27/4/16 sign in/score 27/04/2016
23/04/16 - Medal QC & Lombard 23/04/2016
Saturday Pro's Roll Up Sign in & Score 16/04/2016
MEN ONLY TMQC 14/4/16 Sign in/Score Ent 14/04/2016
MEN Thursday SSQC Sign in Score entry 07/04/2016
Stab QC Men Sign In Score Entry 26/03/2016
Junior Stableford 13/03/2016
03/12/2015 Winter 9 Hole Stableford Qual 03/12/2015
11/11/2015 Winter 9 Hole Stableford Qual 11/11/2015
Thursday Medal QC 8/10/2015-Mens Sign In 08/10/2015
Medal QC Robert Rhodes EWGW 3/10/2015 03/10/2015
Medal QC & President's Putter 26/09/2015 26/09/2015
Seniors stableford & Bill Halliwell trop 21/09/2015
Junior Competition Stableford 20/09/2015
Stableford QC & Finals Sign in 19/09/2015
Medal QC & Finals 05/09/2015 Sign in 05/09/2015
Thursday Medal QC & Finals 03/09/2015 Si 03/09/2015
9 HOLE Stableford 26/8/15 Sign in & Scor 26/08/2015
SeniorsStableford 24/8/2015 & Jack Lill 24/08/2015
Medal QC Sands Cup & EWGA medal sign in 22/08/2015
E.R. Walker Trophy - Past Captains 21/08/2015
Junior Competition - Tiger Cub Trophy 21/08/2015
Junior Competition - Scratch Cup 21/08/2015
Junior Competition - Scratch Cup 21/08/2015
Junior Scratch Cup 2015 21/08/2015
Junior Competition - Centenary Stablefor 20/08/2015
Junior Competition - Scratch Cup (Rd 1) 19/08/2015
Junior Competition - Scratch Cup (Rd 2) 19/08/2015
Junior Stableford 19/08/2015
Junior Comp - Owen Trophy 18/08/2015
Junior Compeition 17/08/2015
Centenary Trophy Stableford QC Score Ent 16/08/2015
Seniors Stableford & Centenary Salver 10/08/2015
Medal QC & Rabbits sign in 01/08/2015
Thursday QC 30/7/2015 sign in 30/07/2015
Junior Competition 29/07/2015
Seniors July Stableford 27/07/2015
Sunday Stableford QC 26/7/2015 26/07/2015
Bishop Cup/Stableford 25/7/15 sign in/sc 25/07/2015
Thursday Med QC 23/7/15 Sign in/Score en 23/07/2015
9 Hole QC Mens Sign in/Score Entry 22nd 22/07/2015
Junior Competition 22/07/2015
Medal QC Radcliffe Vase 18/07/2015
Sunday Stableford QC 12/07/2015
Oliver Rose Bowl 09/07/2015
Elwin Cup 4/07/2015 04/07/2015
Elwin Cup 4/07/2015 04/07/2015
Elwin Cup 4/07/2015 (Rd 2) 04/07/2015
Thursday Stableford 2/7/15 Sign in & Sco 02/07/2015
Seniors Stableford 29/6 29/06/2015
Medal QC 25/6/2015 SIGN IN & SCORE ENTRY 25/06/2015
9 hole Stableford QC 24/6/15 SIGN IN & S 24/06/2015
Junior Stableford 21/06/15 21/06/2015
Medal QC & Hibberson 20/06/2015 20/06/2015
Stableford QC & Grandad Cup 14/06/2015 14/06/2015
Men's Scratch Cup 7th June 2015 07/06/2015
Men's Scratch Cup 7th June 2015 (Rd 2) 07/06/2015
Men's Scratch Cup 7th June 2015 07/06/2015
Thursday Stableford 4/6/2015 04/06/2015
Diamond JubileeStableford QC 30/05/2015 30/05/2015
Medal QC Smith Cup Q & EGU Medal 23/05/2 23/05/2015
Thursday Medal QC 21/05/2015 21/05/2015
RAF Syerston 16th May 2015 16/05/2015
Thursday Stableford 14th May 2015 14/05/2015
9 Hole Competition 13th May 2015 13/05/2015
Seniors Stableford 1105 11/05/2015
Jubilee Cup 10/05/2015 10/05/2015
Stableford QC 02/05/2015 02/05/2015
Medal QC & Lombard 25/04/2015 25/04/2015
Thursday Medal 16/04/2015 16/04/2015
Thursday 9th April Stableford QC 09/04/2015
Stableford QC 28/03/2015 28/03/2015
Junior Competition - 15/03/15 15/03/2015
junior stableford 18/02/2015
Junior Stableford 31/10/2014
Junior Stableford 27/10/2014
Christmas Canter 25/10/2014
Medal QC 9/10/14 09/10/2014
Medal QC & Robert Rhodes 04/10/2014
Medal QC & President's Putter 27/09/2014
Seniors Stableford Bill Halliwell Trophy 22/09/2014
Junior Stableford 21/09/2014
Stableford & Stableford Final 20/9/14 20/09/2014
Seniors Stableford & Jack Lill 08/09/2014
Saturday Medal & Medal Final 6/9/14 06/09/2014
Thursday Medal & Medal Final 4/9/14 04/09/2014
Presidents Day 30th August 2014 30/08/2014
Sands Cup & Medal QC 23/08/14 23/08/2014
E R Walker Trophy - Past Capts 22/08/2014
Junior Week - Tiger Club Trophy 22/08/14 22/08/2014
Junior Week - Centenary 21/08/2014 21/08/2014
Junior Week - Stratch Cup Rd1 20/08/2014 20/08/2014
Junior Week - Strach Cup Rd2 20/08/2014 20/08/2014
Junior Scratch Cup 20/08/2014
Junior Week - Owen Trophy 19/08/2014 19/08/2014
Junior Week - Medal 18/08/2014 18/08/2014
Centenary Trophy Stableford QC 17/08/14 17/08/2014
Seniors Centenary Stableford 11/08/2014
Medal & Rabbits Cup 02/08/2014 02/08/2014
Thursday Medal 31/07/14 31/07/2014
Junior Medal 30/07/2014 30/07/2014
Sunday Stableford 27/7/2014 27/07/2014
Stableford QC & Bishop Cup 26/07/2014 26/07/2014
Medal QC 24/07/2014 24/07/2014
Junior Medal 23rd July 2014 23/07/2014
Stableford QC 13/07/2014 13/07/2014
Oliver Rose Bowl QC 10/07/2014 10/07/2014
elwin cup round 1 05/07/2014
p Round 2 05/07/2014
Medal Competition 5th July 2014 05/07/2014
Elwin Cup 2014 05/07/2014
Thursday Stableford QC 03/07/2014 03/07/2014
Seniors Second Stableford 30/06/2014
Junior Stableford 22/06/2014 22/06/2014
Hibberson Medal QC 21/06/2014
Sunday Stableford QC 15/06/2014 15/06/2014
Scratch Cup Round One - 2014 08/06/2014
Scratch Cup - Round Two - 2014 08/06/2014
Thursday Stableford QC 05/06/2014 05/06/2014
Diamond Jubilee Stableford 31/05/2014 31/05/2014
Medal QC 22/05/2014 22/05/2014
RAF Syerston 17/05/2014 17/05/2014
Thursday Stableford 15/05/2014 15/05/2014
Seniors May Stableford 12/05/2014
JC Stableford MIXED 11/5/14 11/05/2014
Stableford QC Choose own part 3/5/2014 03/05/2014
Medal QC & Lombard Qualifier 19/04/2014 19/04/2014
Medal QC 17/04/2014 17/04/2014
Junior Stableford 16/04/2014 16/04/2014
Seniors First Stableford 14/04/2014
Stableford 10/04/2014 10/04/2014
Junior Stableford 09/04/2014 09/04/2014
Junior Stableford 16/03/2014
Thursday Medal QC 10/10/13 10/10/2013
Medal QC & Presidents Putter 28/09/13 28/09/2013
Junior Stapleford 22/09/2013
Stableford QC & Final 21/9/13 (2) 21/09/2013
Mixed Open 25th August 2013 25/08/2013
Medal Qualifier QC & Sands Cup 24/08/13 24/08/2013
E R Walker Trophy 23/08/2013
Junior Centenary Stableford 22/08/2013
Junior Scratch Cup 2nd Round 21/08/2013
Owen Trophy 20/08/2013
Centenary Stableford 18/08/2013
Seniors Centenary Salver Stableford 12/08/2013
Medal QC & Rabbits 03/08/2013 03/08/2013
Medal QC 1/08/2013 01/08/2013
Seniors Stableford Hall of Fame 29/07/2013
Sunday Stableford 28/07/2013 28/07/2013
Bishop Cup & Stableford QC 27/07/2013 27/07/2013
Thursday Medal QC 25/07/2013 25/07/2013
Medal QC & Radcliffe Vase 20/07/2013 20/07/2013
Oliver Rose Bowl 18/07/2013 18/07/2013
Sunday Stableford 14/07/13 14/07/2013
Elwin Cup - Round One - 6th July 2013 06/07/2013
Elwin Cup - Round Two - 6th July 2013 06/07/2013
Medal QC 6th July 2013 06/07/2013
Thursday Stableford 04/07/2013 04/07/2013
Thursday Medal 20.6.13 20/06/2013
Sunday Stableford 16/06/2013
Scratch Cup - Round One 9th June 2013 09/06/2013
Scratch Cup Round TWO 9th June 2013 09/06/2013
Thursday Stableford June 6th 06/06/2013
Diamond Jubilee Stableford QC 01/6/13 01/06/2013
Medal QC Smith Cup Qual & EWGA Medal 25/05/2013
Medal QC 23/05/2013 23/05/2013
RAF Syerston Cup 18/5/13 18/05/2013
Thursday Stableford 16/05/2013 16/05/2013
Seniors Stableford 13/05/2013
Jubilee Cup Stableford 12/5/2013 12/05/2013
Stableford QC 04/05/2013 04/05/2013
Seniors Stablefod 22/04/2013
Lombard Medal QC 20/04/13 20/04/2013
Thursday Medal 18/04/13 18/04/2013
Thursday Stableford 11/04/2013 11/04/2013
Medal QC 11/10/12 11/10/2012
Robert Rhodes Qual Medal QC 6/10/12 06/10/2012
Presidents Putter & Medal QC 29/9/12 29/09/2012
Stableford QC & Stableford Final 22/9/12 22/09/2012
Oliver Rose Bowl 13/9/12 13/09/2012
Medal QC & Saturday Medal Finals 8/9/12 08/09/2012
Medal QC & Thursday Medal Finals 6/9/12 06/09/2012
Elwin Cup Round 1 02/09/2012
Elwin Cup Round 2 02/09/2012
Mixed Open - 26th August 2012 26/08/2012
Medal QC and Sands Cup 25/08/2012 25/08/2012
E R Walker Trophy 24/08/2012
Centenary Trophy Stableford 19 Aug 2012 19/08/2012
Junior Scratch Trophy 17/08/2012
Medal QC & Rabbits Cup 11.08.2012 11/08/2012
Medal QC & Radcliffe Vase 4th Augus 2012 04/08/2012
Thursday Medal QC 2/8/2012 02/08/2012
Seniors Hall of Fame Stableford 30/07/2012
Sunday Stableford 29/07/12 29/07/2012
Bishop Centenary Cup & Stableford 28/07/2012
Thursday Medal 26 July 2012 26/07/2012
Oliver Rose Bowl 19th July 2012 19/07/2012
Sunday Stableford 15 July 2012 15/07/2012
Thursday Stableford 5 July 2012 05/07/2012
Medal & Hibberson 23/06/2012 23/06/2012
Sunday Stableford 17/06/2012 17/06/2012
Scratch Cup 10th June 2012 Round One 10/06/2012
Scratch Cup 10th June 2012 Round Two 10/06/2012
Thursday Stableford 7.6.12 07/06/2012
Stableford Q C 02.06.12 02/06/2012
medal qc smith cup 26/05/12 26/05/2012
thursday medal 24.5.12 24/05/2012
RAF Syerston Cup QC 19.05.12 19/05/2012
Stableford QC 17.05.12 17/05/2012
Jubilee Cup 13/05/2012
Medal QC & Lombard 21/04/2012
Medal QC 19.04.12 19/04/2012
Thursday Stableford 12.4.2012 12/04/2012
Seniors First Stableford 11/04/2012
Junior Stableford 11/04/2012
Thursday Medal 13/10/2011
Junior 09/10/2011
Medal & R Rhodes 8.10.11 08/10/2011
Seniors Stableford & Jack Lill Trophy 03/10/2011
Past Captains ER Walker Trophy 26/09/2011
Seniors Stableford & Bill Halliwell 26/09/2011
Stableford & Finals 24.9.11 24/09/2011
Sat Medal & Finals 10/9/11 10/09/2011
Thursday Medal & Finals 08/9/11 08/09/2011
Mixed Open 2011 28/08/2011
Seniors Centenary Salver 22/08/2011
Centenary Trophy 21/8/11 21/08/2011
OWEN TROPHY 16/08/2011
Junior Captains Putter 15/08/2011
Medal & Rabbits Cup 13/8/11 13/08/2011
JUNIOR MEDAL 03/08/2011
Seniors Stableford 01/08/2011
Sunday Stableford 31/07/2011
Stableford & Bishop Cup 30/07/2011
July Thursday Medal 28/07/2011
JUNIOR MEDAL 25/07/2011
Saturday Medal & Vase 23/07/2011
Oliver Rose Bowl Stableford 21/07/2011
Stableford Sunday 17th July 17/07/2011
Elwin Cup Rd 1 16/07/2011
Elwin Cup Rd 2 16/07/2011
Thursday Stableford 7.7.11 07/07/2011
Jubilee Open 03/07/2011
SatMedal 25/6/11 & Hibberson 25/06/2011
Thursday Medal QC 23/06/2011
Sunday Stableford 19.6.2011 19/06/2011
Scratch Cup 12/06/2011
Scratch Cup 12th June 2011 12/06/2011
Thursday Stableford 09/06/2011
Saturday Stableford 4/6/11 04/06/2011
Juniors 29/05/2011
Thursday Stableford 19/05/2011
Jubilee Cup 15/05/2011
Stableford 7th May 07/05/2011
Thursday Medal 21/04/2011
Thursday Stableford 14/04/2011
Seniors Stableford 11/04/2011
Stableford QC 02/04/2011
Junior Stableford March 2011 20/03/2011