Lanark Golf Club

Name Date
Junior Medal Final 06/10/2024
Ladies Medal Finals
  1. Div1
  2. Div2
Junior Medal 29/09/2024
Wednesday sweep 25/09/2024
Headspoint Trophy 22/09/2024
Junior Medal 21/09/2024
Ladies Medal
  1. Div1
  2. Div2
Wednesday sweep 18/09/2024
Ladies’ Stableford 13/09/2024
Wednesday sweep 11/09/2024
Greenkeepers Revenge 07/09/2024
Junior Medal 01/09/2024
Ladies’ 6th monthly medal
  1. Div1
  2. Div2
Wednesday Sweep 21/08/2024
Houldsworth Trophy 3rd round
  1. Div1
  2. Div2
August Stableford 11/08/2024
Ladies’ Ch’ship & Friar 2, + Drove Rd
  1. Div1
  2. Div2
Girls Junior Championship (Rd 2) 09/08/2024
Tony Jacklin Junior Open 07/08/2024
Wednesday Sweep 07/08/2024
Junior Medal 04/08/2024
Ladies’ Sunday medal
  1. Div1
  2. Div2
Arthur Bowman Shield 03/08/2024
Ladies’ Champship & Friarsfield Rd 1
  1. Div1
  2. Div2
Girls Junior Championship (Rd 1) 02/08/2024
John Glen Trophy 28/07/2024
Junior Medal 27/07/2024
Houldsworth Trophy Rd 2 26/07/2024
Presidents Trophy 21/07/2024
Wednesday Sweep 17/07/2024
Ian Telfer Trophy 13/07/2024
Ladies’ Cancer Research 12/07/2024
Ladies’ Sunday medal
  1. Div1
  2. Div2
Junior Medal 06/07/2024
Ladies’ 4th monthly medal
  1. Div1
  2. Div2
Ladies Sunday Medal
  1. Div1
  2. Div2
MN Hyslop 2nd round & Medal
  1. Div1
  2. Div2
Wednesday Sweep 26/06/2024
June Stableford 23/06/2024
Junior Medal 22/06/2024
Wednesday Sweep 19/06/2024
Wednesday sweep 12/06/2024
Junior Medal 09/06/2024
Lanimer Cup 09/06/2024
MN Hyslop 1st Round
  1. Div1
  2. Div2
Wednesday sweep 05/06/2024
Ladies’ Sunday medal
  1. Div1
  2. Div2
Chris Westgarth Trophy 01/06/2024
Ladies’ 3rd Monthly Medal
  1. Div1
  2. Div2
Junior Medal 25/05/2024
May Stableford 24/05/2024
Junior Medal 19/05/2024
Junior Medal 18/05/2024
Ladies Open Day 17/05/2024
Junior Medal 12/05/2024
Junior Medal 11/05/2024
Houldsworth Trophy 10/05/2024
Ladies’ Sunday Medal
  1. Div1
  2. Div2
Junior Medal 05/05/2024
Junior Medal 04/05/2024
Ladies’ 2nd Monthly Medal (Fri)
  1. Div1
  2. Div2
3 Person Texas scramble 28/04/2024
Lockhart Trophy Q and Ladies’ Medal
  1. Div1
  2. Div2
Junior Medal 21/04/2024
Junior Medal 20/04/2024
Ladies’ 1st Monthly Medal (Sat) 20/04/2024
Ladies 1st monthly medal
  1. Div1
  2. Div2
Ladies Thursday Medal
  1. Div1
  2. Div2
Autumn Stableford Sweepstake Medal 15/10/2022
Autumn Stableford Sweepstake Medal 08/10/2022
Autumn Stableford Sweepstake Medal 01/10/2022
Autumn Stableford Sweepstake Medal 24/09/2022
Ladies' Closing Stableford 23/09/2022
Wednesday Sweep 21/09/2022
Ladies' Final Sunday Medal 18/09/2022
Ladies' Medal Finals 16/09/2022
Ladies' Cancer Research 09/09/2022
Ladies' 6th Monthly Medal 02/09/2022
Wednesday Sweep 31/08/2022
Junior Championship 28/08/2022
Ladies' August Stableford 28/08/2022
Stableford Sweepstake Medal 27/08/2022
Ladies' Medal 26/08/2022
Wednesday Sweep 24/08/2022
Houldsworth Trophy Rnd 3 19/08/2022
Ladies' Sunday Medal 14/08/2022
Ladies Championship Rnd 2, Friarsfield R 12/08/2022
Ladies' Sunday Medal 07/08/2022
Ladies' Championship Rnd 1, Friarsfield 05/08/2022
Wednesday Sweep 03/08/2022
Ladies' Sunday Medal & Ladies' Past Capt 31/07/2022
Ladies' 5th Monthly Medal 29/07/2022
Wednesday Sweep 27/07/2022
Ladies' July Stableford 22/07/2022
Tony Jacklin Junior Mixed Open 2022 21/07/2022
Wednesday Sweep 20/07/2022
Ladies' Sunday Medal 10/07/2022
M N Hyslop Trophy Rnd 2 08/07/2022
Wednesday Sweep 06/07/2022
Club Past Captains Trophy 03/07/2022
Ladies' Sunday Medal 03/07/2022
Captain's Prize (Ladies) 01/07/2022
Wednesday Sweep 29/06/2022
Ladies' 4th Monthly Medal 24/06/2022
Wednesday Sweep 22/06/2022
Ladies' Sunday Medal 19/06/2022
Houldsworth Trophy Rnd 2 17/06/2022
Ladies' Thursday Medal 16/06/2022
Ladies' Medal 10/06/2022
Ladies' 3rd Monthly Medal 03/06/2022
Wednesday Sweep 01/06/2022
M N Hyslop Trophy Rnd 1 27/05/2022
Wednesday Sweep 25/05/2022
Wednesday Sweep 18/05/2022
Ladies' Thursday Medal 12/05/2022
Ladies' Sunday Medal 08/05/2022
Ladies' 2nd Monthly Medal 07/05/2022
Ladies' 2nd Monthly Medal 06/05/2022
Wednesday Sweep 04/05/2022
3 Person Scramble 30/04/2022
Lockhart Trophy Qualifier 29/04/2022
Wednesday Sweep 27/04/2022
Houldsworth Trophy Rnd 1 22/04/2022
Wednesday Sweep 20/04/2022
Ladies' 1st Monthly Medal 15/04/2022
Ladies April Stableford 08/04/2022
Wednesday Sweep 29/09/2021
Ladies' Closing Stableford 24/09/2021
Ladies' Final Medal 17/09/2021
Ladies' Sunday Medal 12/09/2021
Greenkeepers Revenge Day 11/09/2021
Ladies' September Stableford 10/09/2021
Wednesday Sweep 08/09/2021
Ladies' 6th Monthly Medal 03/09/2021
Ladies' August Stableford 29/08/2021
Ladies' Cancer Research 28/08/2021
Ladies' Cancer Research 27/08/2021
Possible Sweepstake 21/08/2021
Houldsworth Trophy Rnd 3 20/08/2021
Wednesday Sweep 18/08/2021
Ladies' Sunday Medal & Ladies' Past Capt 15/08/2021
Ladies' Championship Rnd 2, Friarsfield 13/08/2021
Ladies' Sunday Medal 08/08/2021
Ladies Championship Rnd 1 & Friarsfield 06/08/2021
Ladies' Sunday Stableford 01/08/2021
Ladies' 5th Monthly Medal 30/07/2021
Wednesday Sweep 28/07/2021
Ladies' Medal 23/07/2021
Tony Jacklin Junior Mixed Open 22/07/2021
Wednesday Sweep 21/07/2021
Presidents Trophy Texas Scramble 18/07/2021
Wednesday Sweep 14/07/2021
M N Hyslop Rnd 2 09/07/2021
Wednesday Sweep 07/07/2021
Ladies' Sunday Medal 04/07/2021
Club Past Captains Trophy 27/06/2021
Captain's Prize (Ladies) 25/06/2021
Wednesday Sweep 23/06/2021
Ladies' June Stableford 18/06/2021
Wednesday Sweep 16/06/2021
Houldsworth Trophy Rnd 2 11/06/2021
Wednesday Sweep 09/06/2021
Ladies' Sunday Medal 06/06/2021
Ladies' 3rd Monthly Medal 04/06/2021
Ladies' May Stableford 28/05/2021
Wednesday Sweep 26/05/2021
Wednesday Sweep 19/05/2021
M N Hyslop Trophy Rnd 1 14/05/2021
Wednesday Sweep 12/05/2021
Ladies' 2nd Monthly Medal & Houldsworth 07/05/2021
Ladies Sunday Medal 02/05/2021
Lockhart Trophy Qualifier 30/04/2021
Ladies Opening Stableford 23/04/2021
Wednesday Sweep 07/10/2020
Closing Stableford 02/10/2020
Medal Final 25/09/2020
Wednesday Sweep 23/09/2020
September Stableford 18/09/2020
Wednesday Sweep 16/09/2020
Ladies Cancer Research 11/09/2020
Ladies Medal 06/09/2020
Ladies 6th Monthly Medal 04/09/2020
Wednesday Sweep 02/09/2020
Houldsworth Trophy 3rd Rnd & Sunday Meda 30/08/2020
Captain’s Prize - Ladies 28/08/2020
Wednesday Sweep 26/08/2020
August Stableford 21/08/2020
Wednesday Sweep 19/08/2020
Houldsworth Trophy 2nd Rnd 14/08/2020
Ladies Sunday Medal & Past Captains 09/08/2020
Ladies Championship 08/08/2020
Ladies Friarsfield 2nd Rnd & Drove Rd Tr 07/08/2020
Wednesday Sweep 05/08/2020
Ladies 5th Monthly Medal # & Friarsfield 31/07/2020
Wednesday Sweep 29/07/2020
M N Hyslop 2nd Rnd # 24/07/2020
Wednesday Sweep 22/07/2020
Houldsworth Trophy 1st Rnd # 17/07/2020
Wednesday Sweep 15/07/2020
M N Hyslop 1st Rnd # 10/07/2020
Ladies Sunday Medal # 05/07/2020
Ladies 4th Monthly Medal # 04/07/2020
Ladies 4th Monthly Medal 04/07/2020
Ladies 4th Monthly Medal 04/07/2020
Ladies 4th Monthly Medal 04/07/2020
Ladies' 4th Monthly Medal 04/07/2020
Ladies' 4th Monthly Medal 04/07/2020
Ladies 4th Monthly Medal # 03/07/2020
Orchard Shield 01/01/2020
Members' Texas Scramble 22/09/2019
Stableford Sweepstake 21/09/2019
End of season Medal 20/09/2019
Ladies' Medal Final 13/09/2019
Ladies September Stableford 08/09/2019
Ladies 6th Monthly Medal 06/09/2019
Ladies Medal 01/09/2019
Wednesday Sweep 28/08/2019
Ladies Cancer Research 24/08/2019
Ladies Cancer Research 23/08/2019
Stableford Sweepstake 17/08/2019
Ladies' Championship 2nd Rnd 10/08/2019
Ladies' Championship 1st Rnd & Drove Rd 09/08/2019
Friarsfield Cup 2nd Rnd & Drove Rd Troph 09/08/2019
Friarsfield Cup 1st Rnd 08/08/2019
Ladies 5th Monthly Medal 02/08/2019
Wednesday Sweep 31/07/2019
Wednesday Sweep 24/07/2019
Texas Scramble 9am shotgun 21/07/2019
Ladies Medal 19/07/2019
Wednesday Sweep 17/07/2019
Sweepstake Medal 13/07/2019
Hyslop Trophy (2nd Rnd) 12/07/2019
Ladies - Past Captains' Trophy 07/07/2019
Ladies 4th Monthly Medal 05/07/2019
Wednesday Sweep 03/07/2019
June Stableford 28/06/2019
Wednesday Sweep 26/06/2019
Ladies - Captain's Prize 21/06/2019
Wednesday Sweep 19/06/2019
Ladies Medal 16/06/2019
Houldsworth Trophy 2nd Rnd 14/06/2019
Lanimer Cup Open Mixed Foursomes 09/06/2019
Ladies 3rd Monthly Medal 07/06/2019
Two Person Team Texas Scramble 02/06/2019
Ladies Open Day 31/05/2019
Wednesday Sweep 29/05/2019
M N Hyslop Trophy (1st Rnd) 26/05/2019
Wednesday Sweep 22/05/2019
Stableford Competition 17/05/2019
Wednesday Sweep 15/05/2019
Ladies Medal 12/05/2019
Holdsworth Trophy (First Round) 10/05/2019
Ladies Second Monthly Medal 04/05/2019
Ladies Second Monthly Medal 03/05/2019
Wednesday Sweep 01/05/2019
Strokeplay and Lockhart Trophy Qualifier 26/04/2019
Wednesday Sweep 24/04/2019
Ladies Medal 13.30-14.15 21/04/2019
Ladies Medal 19/04/2019
Wednesday Sweep 17/04/2019
4 Person Texas Scramble 14/04/2019
Ladies First Monthly Medal 12/04/2019
Ladies April Stableford 07/04/2019
Ladies' Medal 21/09/2018
Ladies' Medal 16/09/2018
September Stableford 14/09/2018
wednesday medal 12/09/2018
2 Person Texas, Greensomes,Foursomes 09/09/2018
Ladies' Medal 07/09/2018
August Stableford 31/08/2018
Cancer Research - Ladies 25/08/2018
Cancer Research - Ladies 24/08/2018
Houdsworth Cup - Round 3 17/08/2018
Past Captain's Trophy 12/08/2018
Captains Prize (Gents) 11/08/2018
Captain's Prize - Ladies 10/08/2018
Invitation Greensomes 08/08/2018
Ladies' Medal 03/08/2018
Haud it and Daud it Trophy 29/07/2018
July Stableford 27/07/2018
Wednesday Sweep 25/07/2018
Texas Scramble 9am shotgun 22/07/2018
Strokeplay Sweepstake 21/07/2018
Wednesday Sweep 18/07/2018
Stableford Sweepstake 14/07/2018
Ladies' Medal 08/07/2018
Ladies Medal 06/07/2018
Hi-Lo 29/06/2018
Wednesday Sweep 27/06/2018
Ladies' Past Captains' Trophy 24/06/2018
Junior Medal 23/06/2018
Ladies Houldsworth Trophy Round 2 22/06/2018
Wednesday Medal 20/06/2018
Ladies Championship Rd.2 16/06/2018
Ladies Championship Rd.1 Friarsfield Cup 15/06/2018
Friarsfield Cup Round 1 14/06/2018
Lanimer Cup 10/06/2018
Ladies Stableford 08/06/2018
Wednesday medal 06/06/2018
Ladies Medal 01/06/2018
Junior Medal 31/05/2018
Wednesday Sweep 30/05/2018
Ladies Medal and Hyslop Trophy 1 27/05/2018
Tintock Tap - Ladies' Open 25/05/2018
Wednesday Sweep 23/05/2018
Junior Convenor's Prize 19/05/2018
Ladies May Stableford 18/05/2018
Junior Medal 17/05/2018
Wednesday Medal 16/05/2018
Ladies Coronation Foursomes 15/05/2018
Junior Club Championship Qualifier 12/05/2018
Ladies Houldsworth Trophy 1 11/05/2018
Ladies Medal 04/05/2018
Wednesday Medal 02/05/2018
Ladies Medal & Lockhart Trophy Qualifier 27/04/2018
Junior Medal, Club Championship Qualifie 26/04/2018
Ladies April Stableford 20/04/2018
Wednesday Medal 18/04/2018
Ladies Medal 15/04/2018
Wednesday Medal 11/04/2018
Two Person Texas Scramble 07/04/2018
Sweepstake Stableford 21/10/2017
Sweepstake Medal 14/10/2017
Gent's & Ladies' Sweepstake Medal 08/10/2017
Gent's & Ladies' Sweepstake Medal 01/10/2017
Wednesday Medal 27/09/2017
Ladies Medal & Final 15/09/2017
Ladies Medal 10/09/2017
Ladies Stableford 08/09/2017
Junior Team Golf Home Nations Inter-Club 03/09/2017
Ladies Monthly Medal 01/09/2017
Wednesday Medal 30/08/2017
Two Person Team Event 20/08/2017
Cancer Research day Ladies 19/08/2017
Cancer Research Day Ladies 18/08/2017
Junior Cancer Research 2017 18/08/2017
Ladies August Stableford 11/08/2017
Wednesday Medal 09/08/2017
Ladies Medal & M N Hyslop Round 2 06/08/2017
Ladies Monthly Medal 04/08/2017
Wednesday Medal 02/08/2017
Ladies July Stableford 30/07/2017
Haud it 'n' Daud it Trophy 29/07/2017
Stroke & Houldsworth 3rd Round 14/07/2017
Ladies Monthly Medal 07/07/2017
Stableford Competition 02/07/2017
Ladies' Past Captains Trophy 02/07/2017
Ladies Medal 01/07/2017
Stroke & Holdsworth 2nd Round 30/06/2017
Wednesday Medal 28/06/2017
Ladies Championship 2nd Round 24/06/2017
Ladies Championship 1st Round, Friarsfie 23/06/2017
Sunday Stableford 18/06/2017
Captain's Prize (Men) 17/06/2017
Captain's Prize ( Ladies) 17/06/2017
Junior Medal 17/06/2017
Ladies Captain Prize 16/06/2017
Wednesday Medal 14/06/2017
Lanimer Cup 11/06/2017
Ladies Medal 03/06/2017
Ladies Monthly Medal 02/06/2017
Wednesday Medal 31/05/2017
Tintock Tap Ladies Stableford 26/05/2017
Ladies Medal and Friarsfield Trophy 1 19/05/2017
Junior Medal 19/05/2017
Wednesday Medal 17/05/2017
Stroke & 1st Round Houldsworth trophy 12/05/2017
Ladies Coronation Foursomes 09/05/2017
M N Hyslop Trophy 1st round 07/05/2017
Junior CC Qualifier & Thomson Trophy 2 06/05/2017
Ladies Monthly Medal 05/05/2017
Junior Convener's Prize 05/05/2017
Wednesday Medal 03/05/2017
Junior Medal 29/04/2017
Junior CC Qualifier & Thompson Trophy 28/04/2017
Ladies Medal & Lockhart Trophy Qualifier 28/04/2017
Wednesday medal 26/04/2017
Junior Medal 23/04/2017
Ladies April Stableford 21/04/2017
Wednesday Medal 19/04/2017
Junior Medal 15/04/2017
Junior CC Qualifier and Wallace Cup 14/04/2017
Ladies Medal 14/04/2017
Wednesday medal 12/04/2017
Ladies Medal & Medal Final 30/09/2016
Ladies Stableford 18/09/2016
Ladies Medal 16/09/2016
Junior Medal 11/09/2016
Ladies September Stableford 09/09/2016
Wednesday Medal 07/09/2016
9 Hole Course Medal 04/09/2016
Junior Medal 03/09/2016
Ladies Monthly Medal & Breakthrough Broo 02/09/2016
Junior Medal 01/09/2016
Ladies August Stableford 31/08/2016
Junior Medal 28/08/2016
9 Hole Course Eclectic 6 28/08/2016
Junior Medal 27/08/2016
Ladies Medal 26/08/2016
9 Hole Course Medal/Dundaff Cup 3 21/08/2016
Cancer Research Day Ladies 20/08/2016
Cancer Research Day Ladies 19/08/2016
Junior Medal 18/08/2016
Wednesday Medal 17/08/2016
Ladies' Past Captains' 14/08/2016
9 Hole Course Medal 14/08/2016
Junior Medal 14/08/2016
Ladies Monthly Medal 12/08/2016
9 Hole Course Medal 07/08/2016
Junior Scratch Medal 04/08/2016
Junior Medal 28/07/2016
Junior Medal 23/07/2016
Stroke & Houldsworth Rd 3 22/07/2016
9 Hole Course Medal/Dundaff Cup 2 17/07/2016
Stroke & M N Hyslop Rd 2 15/07/2016
Challenge Shield/McEwan Trophy 14/07/2016
Stroke and Houldsworth Rd 2 08/07/2016
Senior Captain's Prize - Juniors 07/07/2016
Junior Medal 03/07/2016
Ladies July Stableford 03/07/2016
Ladies Monthly Medal 01/07/2016
Lanark Junior Trophy/McEwan Trophy 30/06/2016
Wednesday Medal 29/06/2016
Ladies Championship & Drove Rd Trophy Rd 25/06/2016
Ladies Championship Rd 1, Friarsfield Rd 24/06/2016
Friarsfield Rd 1 & Drove Rd Trophy 23/06/2016
Wednesday Medal 22/06/2016
Ladies June Stableford 19/06/2016
Lady Captain's Prize 17/06/2016
Junior Medal 16/06/2016
9 Hole Course Arthur Bowman Shield/Shank 12/06/2016
Junior Medal 11/06/2016
Stroke & M N Hyslop Rd 1 10/06/2016
Wednesday Medal 08/06/2016
9 Hole Course Medal 05/06/2016
Junior Medal 04/06/2016
Ladies Monthly Medal (Saturday) 04/06/2016
Ladies Monthly Medal 03/06/2016
Junior Scratch Medal 02/06/2016
Wednesday Medal 01/06/2016
9 Hole Course Eclectic 3 29/05/2016
Junior Medal/Steele Cup 2 26/05/2016
Wednesday Medal 25/05/2016
Junior Medal 21/05/2016
Stroke & Houldsworth Rd 1 20/05/2016
Junior Medal 19/05/2016
Junior Medal 15/05/2016
Junior Medal 14/05/2016
Medal and Qualifying Rd Lockhart Trophy 13/05/2016
Junior Medal/Steele Cup 12/05/2016
9 Hole Course Eclectic 2 08/05/2016
Ladies May Stableford 08/05/2016
Junior C C Qualifier/Thomson Trophy 07/05/2016
Ladies Monthly Medal 06/05/2016
Junior Convener's Prize and CC Qualifyin 05/05/2016
Wednesday Medal 04/05/2016
Wednesday Medal 27/04/2016
9 Hole Course Medal/Shanks Trophy 24/04/2016
Ladies Medal and Flag Brooch 22/04/2016
Yearly Cup/ McEwan Cup 21/04/2016
Wednesday Medal 20/04/2016
Ladies Medal (Saturday) 16/04/2016
Ladies Medal 15/04/2016
Ladies April Stableford 08/04/2016
test medal 01/04/2016
Pro Shop Sweep 04/10/2015
Stableford 20/09/2015
SLGA Medal 13/09/2015
September Stableford 11/09/2015
Wednesday Medal 09/09/2015
SLGA Medal 05/09/2015
SLGA Medal & Breakthrough Brooch 04/09/2015
SLGA Medal 28/08/2015
Cancer Research Ladies 22/08/2015
August Stableford 16/08/2015
Ladies Championship & Drove Road Trophy 15/08/2015
Ladies Championship 1st Rnd, Friarsfield 14/08/2015
Friarsfield 1st Rnd & Drove Road Trophy 13/08/2015
SLGA Medal 01/08/2015
SLGA Medal 31/07/2015
Wednesday Medal 29/07/2015
Wednesday Medal 22/07/2015
Stroke & 2nd Rnd M N Hyslop 17/07/2015
Stroke & 3rd Rnd Houldsworth 10/07/2015
July Stableford 05/07/2015
SLGA Medal & Medal Final 03/07/2015
Wednesday Medal 01/07/2015
Past Captains' Trophy 28/06/2015
Ladies' Captain's Prize 26/06/2015
Lanark Junior Trophy 25/06/2015
Wednesday Medal 24/06/2015
June Stableford 21/06/2015
Stroke & 2nd Rnd Houldsworth 19/06/2015
Stroke & 1st Rnd M N Hyslop 12/06/2015
Wednesday Medal 10/06/2015
SLGA Medal 05/06/2015
Wednesday Medal 03/06/2015
Wednesday Medal 27/05/2015
Stroke & 1st Rnd Houldsworth 22/05/2015
Wednesday Medal 20/05/2015
SLGA Medal 15/05/2015
Stroke & Qualifying Rnd Lockhart Trophy 08/05/2015
Wednesday Medal 06/05/2015
SLGA Medal 01/05/2015
wednesday medal 29/04/2015
SLGA Medal & Flag Brooch 24/04/2015
Wednesday Medal 22/04/2015
SLGA Medal 17/04/2015
April Stableford 10/04/2015
SLGA Medal 03/04/2015
Stableford 28/09/2014
Stableford 21/09/2014
Stableford 12/09/2014
SLGA Medal (Sat) 06/09/2014
Charities Day 23/08/2014
SLGA Medal and putting competition 22/08/2014
Stableford 17/08/2014
Championship Rnd 2 & Drove Road 16/08/2014
Championship 1 Friarsfield 2 Drove Rd 15/08/2014
Friarsfield Rd 1 14/08/2014
SLGA Medal (Sat) 02/08/2014
SLGA Medal 01/08/2014
Nine Hole Stableford 01/08/2014
Tony Jacklin Junior Open 29/07/2014
Wednesday Medal 23/07/2014
Stroke and Rnd 2 M.N. Hyslop 18/07/2014
Stroke and Round 3 Houldsworth 11/07/2014
Wednesday Medal 09/07/2014
Stableford 06/07/2014
SLGA Medal (Sat) 05/07/2014
SLGA Brooch and Medal Final 04/07/2014
Past Lady Captains Trophy 29/06/2014
Lady Captains Prize 27/06/2014
Wednesday Medal 25/06/2014
Stableford 22/06/2014
Stroke & Round 2 Houldsworth 20/06/2014
SLGA Medal 13/06/2014
Stableford 11/06/2014
Stroke (Sat) 07/06/2014
Stroke and Rd 1 MN Hyslop 06/06/2014
Stroke and Hamilton Houldsworth Rd 1 23/05/2014
SLGA Medal (Sat) 17/05/2014
SLGA Medal 16/05/2014
Stroke & Lockhart Trophy qualifier 09/05/2014
May Stableford 04/05/2014
SLGA medal 02/05/2014
SLGA medal and Flag Brooch 25/04/2014
April stableford 18/04/2014
SLGA medal (Sat) 12/04/2014
SLGA medal 11/04/2014
stableford 22/09/2013
SLGA Medal 20/09/2013
Charities Day (Ladies) 14/09/2013
Stableford 06/09/2013
SLGA (sat) 31/08/2013
SLGA Medal 30/08/2013
Ladies Stableford 18/08/2013
Championship 2nd Rd & Drove Rd 17/08/2013
Championship 1, Friarsfield 2, Drove Rd 16/08/2013
Friarsfield 1st Round & Drove Rd Trophy 15/08/2013
SLGA medal 09/08/2013
SLGA Medal (sat) 03/08/2013
SLGA Medal 02/08/2013
Junior Stableford 31/07/2013
Tony Jacklin Junior Open 30/07/2013
Wednesday Medal 24/07/2013
Stroke and 2nd M N Hyslop 19/07/2013
Stroke & 3rd Rd Houldsworth 12/07/2013
Stableford 07/07/2013
SLGA medal (Sat) 06/07/2013
SLGA medal 05/07/2013
Ladies Captains Prize 28/06/2013
Past Captains Trophy 23/06/2013
Stroke and Round 2 Houldsworth 21/06/2013
Dundaff 2 15/06/2013
SLGA Brooch and Medal Final 14/06/2013
stableford 12/06/2013
Ladies Stroke Competition (Sat) 08/06/2013
stroke and round 1 MN Hyslop 07/06/2013
Wednesday Medal 29/05/2013
Stroke and Round 1 Houldsworth 24/05/2013
Dundaff 1 18/05/2013
slga medal and putting comp 17/05/2013
stableford 05/05/2013
Ladies Captains Prize Nine Hole 04/05/2013
Stroke and Lockhart Qual. 03/05/2013
stableford 28/04/2013
stableford 26/04/2013
slga medal (fri) 19/04/2013
stableford 14/04/2013
slga medal (fri) 12/04/2013
SLGA Medal 21/09/2012
9-hole Jnr Girls - Snr Capt Prize 15/09/2012
SLGA MEDAL 09/09/2012
Club Managers Prize - 2nd Rnd 08/09/2012
SLGA MEDAL 08/09/2012
slga 08/09/2012
SLGA Medal 07/09/2012
SLGA Medal 31/08/2012
Cancer Research 26/08/2012
SLGA Medal 24/08/2012
Wednesday Medal 22/08/2012
9-hole Jnr Girls - Dundaff 3 18/08/2012
SLGA Medal 17/08/2012
Stableford 12/08/2012
Stroke & 2nd Rnd M N Hyslop 10/08/2012
Wednesday Medal 08/08/2012
SLGA Medal 03/08/2012
Wednesday Medal 25/07/2012
SLGA Medal 20/07/2012
Stroke & 3rd Rnd Houldsworth 13/07/2012
Houldsworth 13/07/2012
Stableford 08/07/2012
Ladies C C 2nd Round 30/06/2012
9-hole Jnr Girls - Eclectic 4 30/06/2012
Lady Captains Prize 29/06/2012
Past Captains Trophy 24/06/2012
SLGA Brooch & Medal Final 22/06/2012
Wednesday Medal Ladies 20/06/2012
frIARSFIELD cUP 15/06/2012
Girls Medal 09/06/2012
Wednesday Medal 30/05/2012
9-hole Junior Girls Captains Prize 26/05/2012
STROKE & RND 1 MN HYSLOP 25/05/2012
SLGA MEDAL 20/05/2012
Girls Medal 19/05/2012
stroke 12/05/2012
Junior Girls - Eclectic 2 12/05/2012
STROKE & Rnd 1 HOULDSWORTH 11/05/2012
Stroke 05/05/2012
Girls Medal 03/05/2012
Junior Girls - Brooks Trophy 29/04/2012
Stableford 28/04/2012
STABLEFORD 27/04/2012
slga medal 21/04/2012
SLGA Medal 20/04/2012
Wednesday Medal 18/04/2012
Junior Medal 15/04/2012
Stableford 15/04/2012
slga medal and scottish hydro qualifier 14/04/2012
SLGA Medal and Scottish Hydro Qualifier 13/04/2012
Wednesday Medal 11/04/2012
9-hole Junior Girls Eclectic 1 07/04/2012
SLGA MEDAL 24/09/2011
SLGA MEDAL 23/09/2011
STABLEFORD 17/09/2011
STABLEFORD 16/09/2011
9-Hole Junior Girls Medal 10/09/2011
SLGA MEDAL 09/09/2011
SLGA MEDAL 04/09/2011
9-hole Junior Girls Dandaff 4 03/09/2011
STABLEFORD 02/09/2011
Girls Medal 20/08/2011
9-Hole Juniors Eclectic 6 20/08/2011
9-hole Senior Captains Prize 13/08/2011
STABLEFORD 05/08/2011
9-hole Stableford 03/08/2011
9-hole Junior Captains Prize 31/07/2011
SLGA 27/07/2011
9-hole Course Eclectic 5 23/07/2011
SLGA MEDAL 20/07/2011
STABLEFORD 15/07/2011
9-hole Eclectic 4 03/07/2011
Girls Medal 02/07/2011
Girls Medal 30/06/2011
9-hole Girls Dundaff 2 26/06/2011
Girls Medal 25/06/2011
Houldsworth 24/06/2011
SLGA 22/06/2011
9-hole course Girls Championship 18/06/2011
STABLEFORD 15/06/2011
9-hole Course Shanks 2 12/06/2011
SLGA MEDAL 05/06/2011
9-hole Eclectic 3 04/06/2011
Girls Medal 26/05/2011
STROKE & 1ST RND M N HYSLOP 20/05/2011
SLGA MEDAL 18/05/2011
Junior Medal 15/05/2011
9-Hole Eclectic 2 15/05/2011
9-hole Lady Captains Prize 08/05/2011
STABLEFORD 06/05/2011
Girls Medal 05/05/2011
9-hole Junior Brooks Qualifier 30/04/2011
SLGA Medal & Lockhart Trophy Qual 29/04/2011
Junior Girls Medal 28/04/2011
Stableford 22/04/2011
Junior Medal 21/04/2011
9-hole Junior Shanks 1 17/04/2011
SLGA Medal 17/04/2011
stroke 16/04/2011
Stroke and G F Brooch 15/04/2011
Girls Medal 14/04/2011
SLGA MEDAL 10/04/2011
9-Hole Junior Eclectic 1 09/04/2011
S.L.G.A. Medal 08/04/2011