Top Dog 2021/2022
Please Note
This Sunday is the last league competition to establish who goes forward to the next rounds, therefore can all teams please ensure they have recorded their scores on the sheets on the notice board in the gent’s locker room.
On completion of your game on Sunday can you please ensure you update the scores immediately when you complete your round so that we know who will go forward to the next round and if there are any ties within the leagues. Ties for league qualifiers on Sunday will go immediately back out down the first tee and play a sudden death match until there are 3 winning teams of each league.
16 Teams will go forward to the play-offs from all the leagues and the top 3 teams in each league will automatically go forward to the play-offs and teams tied for 3rd place will play for 3rd position and losers will go forward in a bogey against par competition on 30th January for the remaining place.
Tees are also booked for the next round for Sunday 6th February and the 13th February at 8am to 8:45am. Sunday 27th February at 8am to 8:45 booked for the last 8, and Sunday 6th March booked for the last 4.
The date for the final is still to be agreed. Please watch the notice board for further information.
If you require any further clarification please do not hesitate to contact the Competitions Committee by e mailing:

Good Luck in your final league match

Tony Evans on behalf of the Competitions Committee