club news
club news
Saturday's Result

Congratulations to Graham Leca on winning the Anton Rogan White memorial with a fantastic score of 47pts. Jim Coleman won the wee drap and Paul Carlin won the raffle (again).

Congratulations to Phil Boylan, who finally won the 2nd class 2s with a 2 at the Bell's rest on Saturday bagging himself £298 in his pro shop account (dozen prov's for myself Phil lol) well done.

Saturday 14th

This Saturday is the club outing, for those golfers that are not going there is an extra stroke play medal on, and booking is available on howdidido until Thursday 3pm.

wee reminder the Bus will be leaving sharp on Saturday so please be at clubhouse no later than 7:15

Team Matches

Well done to the 5-8 team winning on Sunday at home to Douglas Park.

stay safe