Fourball Breakfast Competition 23rd March 2025
Spring pairs competition yields some excellent scoring
A full field of 88 players entered the Spring edition of our ever popular Sunday morning fourball competitions on 23rd March. As we sat down to breakfast at 7.30am visibility was not perfect but adequate. However, over the next half hour the fog rolled in and it was barely possible to see beyond the railings from the first tee. The start was consequently delayed with the situation being kept under constant review by the Secretary and Men’s Captain.
Fortunately it started to lift fairly quickly and by 8.25am the players were cleared to proceed out onto the course to make their way to their allotted tees for the shotgun (hooter!) start which was delayed by just 10 minutes, until 8.40.
Although the course was once again playing long due to the significant rainfall of the previous day, and despite some light showers during the course of the round, a wide range of scores were recorded with three pairs reaching the top of the heap with a score of 44 points, an excellent tally in the conditions.
The winning pairs were:
Phil Neal and Kevin Peck
Ashley Bygraves and Tony Carson
James Pearson and Jason Guest
Congratulations to them and a big thank you to everyone who supported the event and made it such a success. The Autumn edition of this event will take place on 19th October so put the date in your diary and look out for the notice that entry is open. I hope to see you there.
James Greenall
Men’s Captain