We are looking for volunteers!
Can you help!
We are looking for volunteers who can spare an hour or two to help out with events and marshalling for the season ahead:

Events include:

Open Competitions - to help the day/event run smoothly we require starters to assist at sign in at the pro shop and starting at the first tee throughout the day.

Visiting Parties - to help showcase our club when we have visiting parties we have a member of the club greet the party and act as a starter at the first tee.

Marshalling - throughout summer we have a marshalling rota whereby a member and a council member marshall the course for an hour or two.

If you can spare any time to help out please email kirsty.hamilton@dullaturgolf.com or join our whatsapp community https://chat.whatsapp.com/BtIrdb1ruotF7HJPNo2Plj