During the next two months we celebrate two of our national saints and have a talk on robot ethics.
Then looking forward to April we have the AGM and dinner, on Friday 11th April. This year we shall meet at the Pirelli Stadium so please mark it firmly in your diaries, remember you can invite male guests and sign up soon. The mystery speaker will be one of our own! The list will be up shortly.
Walking Group – Tuesday 4th February
Please contact Kevin for details: kfdoherty@hotmail.com
Liar Dice Championship – Wednesday 5th February
Immediately after lunch Andrew Richards is organising the individual liar dice championship. Come and try your luck / deception skills.
Rotarian open lunch - Thursday 6th February
A reminder of the usual first Thursday lunch which usually brings together a number of members – Rotarian and otherwise.
Burton 41 Club open lunch - Thursday 13th February
And the following Thursday, when members associated with the 41 Club gather, you know that there will be a good social gathering, open to all members and guests.
Golfers Lunch - Tuesday 18th February
And the same applies the following Tuesday!
Godfathers Lunch - Tuesday 25th February
Whether or not this is your month, there’s always a good turnout and great company.
St David’s Day Lunch - Friday 28th February
Always popular and places are filling up fast. Please book now to celebrate the first of our patronal saints of the year and their local national identity. At the request of Past Chairman and celebrated Welshman Peter Owen, our Hon. Archivist will again be "doing something for St David’s Day".
Walking Group – Tuesday 4th March
Please contact Kevin for details: kfdoherty@hotmail.com
Shrove Tuesday Pancake lunch – also Tuesday 4th March
Come and enjoy pancakes, the traditional using up of all the fat before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Come and be shriven!
Rotarian open lunch - Thursday 6th March
A reminder of the usual first Thursday lunch which usually brings together a number of members – Rotarian and otherwise.
Snooker Finals – Wednesday 12th March
The first set of snooker finals. Supper will be served around 19:30 and the finalists welcome supporters to join them.
Talk by Professor Alan Winfield on Robot Ethics – Friday 14th March
This is the third attempt at getting this presentation off the ground, both previous occasions thwarted by Club funerals.
At the end of lunch Graham Marshment will introduce Professor Alan, who is a world-renowned professor of robot ethics (how many of us knew there was such an area of study?). In the future there is the possibility of a visit to his Bristol Robotics Laboratory (https://www.bristolroboticslab.com/).
Alan is a former pupil of Burton Grammar School where he and Graham were both members of the school radio club though not in the same era – he joined the school as Graham left. He has been on Life Scientific and in 2017 was interviewed by Stephen Thakur on the theme of “Are we creating machines which could turn the dark visions of science fiction into fact?”
St Patrick’s Day Lunch – Monday 17th March
The second of our patronal saints’ celebrations, with Ireland’s rugby once more in the ascendancy there is sure to be much to talk about.
Snooker Finals - Wednesday 19th March
After the second set of snooker finals supper will be served around 19:30 and remember you do not need to play snooker to turn up (apart from the finalists!)
Godfathers’ Lunch - Tuesday 25th March
The next Godfather’s Lunch of 2025, more details to follow from Andrew Richards.
Chairman’s Dinner – Friday 28th March
The Chairman’s Dinner in the evening when the Committee and invited guests dine out the Chairman as he approaches the end of his year in office.
and remember in APRIL
Annual General Meeting and Dinner – Friday 11th April
This year at the Pirelli Stadium – male guests welcome – please sign up as soon as possible.
A reminder of how to book any lunch or event:
1. Add your name to the list on the noticeboard in the bar (for events)
2. Let Teresa know (teresataberner@aol.co.uk & 07932 964070)
3. Tell the Vice Chairman (vicechairman@theburtonclub.com & 07799 413493)
4. Use the booking link on the Club System (if you're not registered contact honsecretary@theburtonclub.com or on 07787 808431)
When using the Club System, you will receive an email confirming your reservation. Please note the timing information at the head of the booking list which indicates when there is a waiting list / more than one event on the same day.
Canon Peter Holliday
07799 413493