Captains 'Midweek' Day
Friday May 23rd
The Admirals Captain Alan 'Tommo' Thompson would like to invite you to his midweek Captains Day on Friday May 23rd!

His day will consist of complementary tea/coffee on arrival, an 18-hole competition, drinks in the Caddyshack, prize presentation and a BBQ after the round. There will also be nearest to the pins and a putting challenge.

It will be a 2 tee start between 9-10am with prizes to the top 8 players along with the NTP and putting winners.

The entry fee is £15pp and payable in the Proshop from today.

Tee times are on a first come first serve basis and booking via the Proshop is AVAILABLE FROM TODAY!

Alan would love your support and I'm sure this will be a day to remember!

See you there......

Many thanks

Jamie Jarvis
Director of Golf