Maddock Tankards
Ben and Martin take top Honours
Finally on the 3rd attempt of trying the 2024 Maddock Tankards eventually went ahead. A cold but bright early morning saw the full field of 88 players set off from their respective tees. A Lovely mornings’ golf ahead one would think but then after about 90 minutes the clouds rolled in, the temperature dropped and the wind rose to gale force proportions and the fight to stay out began. Only one casualty decided enough was enough but the rest of the field eventually made it round in one piece which is more than can be said about my shed roof.

The winners on the day with a creditable 40 points were Ben Woolnough and Martin Farrow closely followed by Jamie and Brendan Gough on 39 points with Barry Landles and Pete Bailey 3rd with 38 points. The two nearest the pin prizes went to Micky Pyewell (7th) and Bill Ball (11th).

A big thanks go out to Maggie Hart for her massive help and enthusiasm parting the punters from their hard-earned cash for raffle tickets and the wonderful 1st prize hamper she donates each year and the fact she also ‘mans’ the desk to collect and sort the scorecards to speed the results process up.

The prizes were presented by John Maddock with Club Captain Howard also in attendance.

A final message from John Maddock himself thanks all who attended and also those who donated and purchased raffle tickets with the funds raised going towards the Sandra Chapman ward at the JPH.

Approximately £600 was raised this year and with the £500 from last year we will arrange for John to present the ward with a cheque for the final amount.

Stuart Pearce
Competitions Chairperson