Having had the festive period and a bit of a break due to the crap weather I had forgotten to do the results for the final comp of the year.
Was a nice turn out and the course played quite long but of course that didnt stop some good scoring.
3 teams tied for 1st with nett 65 but winning on a card playoff was Seth Brookfield & Tom Stevenson. Nice work boys.
2nd went to John Aspinall & Paull Ashley, 3rd was taken by Warren Collins & John McClellan.
Prizes below
1 S. Brookfield / T. Stevenson 65.0 £45.00 Each
2 J. Aspinall / P. Ashley 65.0 £35.00 Each
3 W. Collins / J. McClellan 65.0 £25.00 Each
So as per the Gents comp info whatsapp group, you will have seen the latest on the Winter League. Rounds 6 & 7 are the next two weeks weather depending. Then each KO stage will be week by week within the comps unless a pair decide to play before the play by date say on a Saturday. Both pairs must agree to this and if this happens let me know please.
Booking for comps will be week by week now as and when I know more regarding the Winter League. There is still a comp on the Sunday for the ones who dont make the top 16. As the pairs scramble was so long the other week, I doubt I will put any of those on during the KO stages for fear of slowing up the matches. I will discuss this tonight at the committee meeting. I will block off 0830 onwards for the WL matches but if any match wants to play at a different time then please let me know asap.
See you all Sunday