James, Andy & Oliver begin their Captains Year
Captains Drive In 2025
New Year’s Day saw the new Captains’ Drive In. Last year’s Men’s Captain, Barry Peak, handed over to James Greenall who drove off the 1st tee to mark the New Year. James, joined the club in 1995 and plays off a 10 handicap. Barry presented James with the Club’s green blazer and tie, given to each Men’s Captain for his year. 14 year old, Oliver Ouzman, who plays off 10 handicap became Junior Captain and introduced his Vice Captain as 9 year old Harry Paramo. Andy Price, who plays off 7 handicap became Senior Men’s Captain, taking over from Rob Hicks. There is no Ladies Captain for 2025 so each month a Past Ladies Captains will take up the role.

James promised to provide a golf and social programme in 2025 that all members of the club will be able to participate in and above all have fun doing it.

After the presentations the Captains’ hit their tee shots from the 1st tee in driving wind and rain, watched by over 100 members and guests. There was a ‘Spot The Ball Competition’ where members could guess where each Captains tee shot finished. After the Drive In, members were offered Lasagne and Garlic Bread for lunch.