Kyocera Golf Club Classic Match Report
Links Golf Club vs Barkway Park – 27 April 2024
This year the Links Men’s team was drawn to play away against a team from Barkway Park for the second year running in the Kyocera Golf Club Classic, formerly the Annodata. John Yuill, Dominic Clarke, Dave Jewell, James Greenall and Shaun Blayney duly made their way to Barkway on the morning of a chilly Saturday 27th April to do battle.

An excellent fried breakfast, provided courtesy of our generous hosts, made a most amiable start to the proceedings. The matches, which comprise five games of singles, are always a tough ask to win away and the rain sweeping in across the Hertfordshire fields as we made our way to the first tee indicated that we were in for a tough day.
Barkway Park is a tricky course at the best of times with a lot of very long par 4s featuring tricky lines off the tee and steep slopy greens. Add to that a greenkeeper who must have been in a really bad mood when setting some of the pin positions for the day and we were presented with a very tough challenge which required the local knowledge from which our opponents benefited to overcome.

As a result we unfortunately lost the match 4-1. A special mention has to go to Dave Jewell who, despite losing a couple of shots to the competition’s playing handicap limit of 18, won our only point of the day. Well done Dave.

So that’s it in this competition for another year. Hopefully next year we will be blessed with a home draw in the first round. If you would like to try your hand in next year’s competition be sure to add your name to the squad when the time comes.