Tee Booking
Please book your tee times
Polite reminder to all members to please book your Tee Times. Whilst the tee sheet may look empty and you may think you can just turn up and go out, the club is insisting that all tee bookings are recorded.

This applies for people joining up with your groups too. If you have someone join your group, please ensure that they are added to the tee sheet as well. This also applies if you are bringing Guests, please make sure you add their name to your booking.

There have been instances where people go out ahead of the tee sheet or before people have booked into the daily tee sheet or competitions. This is not allowed either. Only people who have booked in tee bookings visible / available are allowed to go out on the course. If you are found to be doing this, then disciplinary action will be considered.

On the other hand, can members also ensure they remove themselves off the tee sheet if you are no longer playing. You may be stopping somebody else from having a game.

Thanks in Advance